Curriculum Vitae

Personal Info
  • Address

    - 32321, College of Natural Science 2 Building, Changwon National University,
    20 Changwondaehak-ro, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, 51140,
    Republic of Korea

  • e-mail

    - (Work) jjycjn [at] changwon [dot] ac [dot] kr

    - (Personal) jjycjn [at] gmail [dot] com

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Research Interest
  • Optimization

    - Certain optimization problems over symmetric cone

    - Various commutation principles and its applications

  • Euclidean Jordan algebras

    - Properties of spectral sets and functions on Euclidean Jordan algebras

    - Analysis on spectral cones via majorization and algebra automorphisms

    - Majorization and weak majorization inequalities over Euclidean Jordan algebras

  • Machine Learning and Trend Filtering

    - Elastic trend filtering method and its applications

    - Trend filtering by adaptive piecewise polynomials or splines

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  • Assistant Professor

    - Department of Mathematics, Changwon National University, South Korea

    - September 2023 ~ Present

  • Senior Researcher

    - Applied Algebra and Optimization Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea

    - March 2022 ~ August 2023

  • Postdoctoral Researcher

    - Applied Algebra and Optimization Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea

    - March 2019 ~ February 2022

  • Lecturer

    - Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland Baltimore County, United States

    - July 2017 ~ January 2019

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  • Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics

    - University of Maryland Baltimore County

    - Supervisor: Muddappa S. Gowda

    - Thesis Title: Spectral sets and functions on Euclidean Jordan algegras

  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

    - Soongsil University, South Korea

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  1. Commutation principles for nonsmooth variational problems on Euclidean Jordan algebras

    - (with D. Sossa) SIAM Journal on Optimization, submitted (2024.03)

    - ArXiv:

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  1. Transfer principles, Fenchel conjugate and subdifferential formulas in Fan-Theobald-von Neumann systems

    - (with M.S. Gowda) Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, published online (2024.06)

    - DOI :

  2. The Schatten $p$-quasinorm on Euclidean Jordan algebras

    - AIMS Mathematics, 9 (2024), 5028-5037

    - DOI:

  3. Commutativity, majorization, and reduction in Fan-Theobald-von Neumann systems

    - (with M.S. Gowda) Results in Mathematics, 78 (2023) 72

    - DOI:

  4. An asymmetric Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach for event-triggered consensus of multi-agent systems with deception attacks

    - (with P. Arumugam, Y. Lim) Applied Mathematics and Computation, 439 (2023) 127584

    - DOI:

  5. Trend Filtering by Adaptive Piecewise Polynomials

    - (with S.H. Kim, Y.M. Jung, and S. Yoon) Communications in Nonlinear Science and
    Numerical Simulation, 116 (2023) 106866

    - DOI:

  6. Hybrid-Triggered H∞ Control for Parabolic PDE Systems Under Deception Attacks

    - (with P. Arumugam, Y. Lim) IEEE Access, 10 (2022) 80289-80299

    - DOI:

  7. Hadamard product and related inequalities in the Jordan spin algebra

    - (with S. Kum and Y. Lim) Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 71 (2023) 2049-2065

    - DOI:

  8. Elastic trend filtering

    - (with Y.M. Jung and S. Yoon) International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical
    Simulation, 24 (2023) 939-949

    - DOI:

  9. A pointwise weak majorization inequality for linear maps over Euclidean Jordan algebras

    - (with M.S. Gowda) Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70 (2023) 4157-4176

    - DOI:

  10. Some log and weak majorization inequalities in Euclidean Jordan algebras

    - (with J. Tao and M.S. Gowda) Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70 (2022) 3189-3206

    - DOI:

  11. Weak majorization, doubly substochastic maps, and some related inequalities in Euclidean Jordan algebras

    - (with Y.M. Jung and Y. Lim) Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 597 (2020) 133-154

    - DOI:

  12. On the connectedness of spectral sets and irreducibility of spectral cones in Euclidean Jordan algebras

    - (with M.S. Gowda) Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 559 (2018) 181-193

    - DOI:

  13. Permutation invariant proper polyhedral cones and their Lyapunov rank

    - (with M.S. Gowda) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 463 (2018) 377-385

    - DOI:

  14. Commutation principles in Euclidean Jordan algebras and normal decomposition systems

    - (with M.S. Gowda) SIAM Journal on Optimization, 27 (2017), 1390-1402

    - DOI:

  15. Spectral Sets and Functions in Euclidean Jordan Algebras

    - (with M.S. Gowda) Linear Algebra and its Applications, 518 (2017) 31-56

    - DOI:

  16. Spectral Cones in Euclidean Jordan Algebras

    - (with M.S. Gowda) Linear Algebra and its Applications, 509 (2016) 286-305

    - DOI:

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  • Spring 2024

    - Linear Algebra 1 (Tue 13:30-15:00, Thu 12:00-13:30)

    - Discrete Mathematics (Tue 10:30-12:00, Thu 09:00-10:30)

    - Numerical Analysis 2 (Mon 13:30-15:00, Wed 12:00-13:30)

    - Calculus 1 (Mon 10:30-12:00, Wed 09:00-10:30)

  • Fall 2023

    - Numerical Analysis 1 (Mon 13:30-15:00, Wed 12:00-13:30)

    - Discrete Mathematics (Tue 13:30-15:00, Thu 12:00-13:30)

    - Big Data Analysis (Mon 10:30-12:00, Wed 09:00-10:30)

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Invited Talks